
Showing posts from October, 2013

Juba II

"(…) Juba had a greater contribution to make in examining all of nothern Africa, from the atlantic coast to Ethiopia and the Red Sea, and south into the sub-Saharan districts, thereby providing Augustan Rome with its first detailed study of the region. Juba could bring the culture and history of his new territories into the mainstream." "Juba could also enlighten his audience about the Atlantic coast of Africa, something that has long been a Roman concern. He was especially interested in the matter of circumnavigation of the continent." ROLLER, D. (2003),  The World of Juba II and Kleopatra Selene . Routledge, New York

Da coroação de Juba II

Relato de Dio sobre a viagem de Augusto à Península Ibérica (27-25 a.C.). "When this war ended, Augustus discharged his more elderly soldiers and then establish a city in Lusitania, called Augusta Emerita. For those who were still of military age he arranged exhibitions in the camps under the direction of Marcellus and Tiberius, since they were aediles. And he gave to Juba, in place of his ancestral lands, part of Gaetulia, most of whose inhabitants had been registered in the roman state, as well as the lands of Bocchus and Bogudes."

Numidia e Mauritânia

Numídia e Mauritânia na Antiguidade Imagem original: Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc.